Master 100 guitar chords in all keys

A screen shot from the 100 Chords Method software course
The 100 Chords Method
is a multimedia training software
that will make you a master of guitar
chords, fluent in all keys, and
at home anywhere on the fretboard.
Effective and enjoyable play-along
exercises will train your fingers,
your brain, and your musical ear.
In a few weeks you will master
a minimum of 100 carefully selected
chord positions and become completely
fluent with all important types of
chords and variations:
Major 7th
Major 9th
Major 6th
Major 6/9
Major add 9
Suspended 2nd
Suspended 4th
Power 5th
Major 7th #5
Major 7th b5
Minor 7th
Minor 9th
Minor 11th
Minor 6th
Minor add 9
Minor 7th b5
Diminished 7th
Minor M7
Dominant 7th
Dominant 9th
Dominant 11th
Dominant 13th
Dominant 7th #5
Dominant 7th b5
Dominant 7th #9
Dominant 7th b9
The Results You Can Expect
The course's training strategy
is designed to give you nine
specific skills:
100 positions mastered
-- You will know a minimum
of 100 chord positions,
covering all kind of chord
types, and you will be
able to use them instantly,
in any key, without hesitation.
(That's what we call "mastering"
a position)
Fluent in all 12 keys
-- While many guitarists only
feel comfortable in some
"easy" keys (C, E, A, etc.),
after completing
the course you will be
equally fluent in
all 12 keys.
If you learn a foreign language,
you don't want to know isolated
words, you want to speak fluent and free....
In the same way, this course is not
a dry list of chords -- this course
makes you fluent with chords!
fretboard mastered
-- If your playing tends
to be confined within only
a few frets,
this course will expand
your range and make you
a master of the entire
All the exercises mercilessly
force you to use the
entire fretboard!
Only then will you be
able to play effortlessly
anywhere and create all
the musical effects you
Rich chord vocabulary
-- Your musical freedom
depends on your musical
vocabulary. The richer
your vocabulary, the more
you can express.
The course will dramatically
expand your chord vocabulary
so that
you will always know several
ways of playing any chord
and the effect produced by each.
Effortless sight-reading
-- You will be able to
take a look at any chord
chart and play it correctly
right away.
Great "snap"
-- "Snap" is the technical ability
of your fingers to quickly snap into any
chord position and produce a clean sound
without fumbling.
Groove: playing with great time
-- If you are not satisfied with
your rhythmic skills,
the 100 Chords Method
play-along exercises
will tighten up your time
and train your brain
cells and nerve fibers
to produce a great groove
every single time you strum
a chord!
Superior technique
by effortless concentration
-- Good technique means getting
a great sound effortlessly
and consistently.
The 100 Chords Method exercises
make your technique superior
by conditioning your muscles
to play with effortless concentration,
without avoidable errors and
If you tend to make errors
on easy passages
-- e.g. you play the same passage
sometimes well and sometimes
poorly -- the 100 Chords Method
exercises will dramatically
improve your playing
right away.
Fine musical ear
-- You will develop
the ability to recognize
the chords you hear,
to hear a chord
in your mind before you play it,
and to listen to a song once or twice and
know right away how to play it.
Guitar chords mastery is the
combination of all these skills.
In practice, the 100 Chords Method's
training strategy helps you develop these
skills fairly easy and quickly(*) through
a variety of multimedia play-along exercises.
(*) Note: all the skills above can be
developed very quickly, within a few
weeks, with one exception: the development
of a refined musical ear is
a gradual, long-term process that takes months
and years.

A play-along exercise with the 100 Chords Method
Would you like to know the
secret of the greatest players?
Some people say that their
secret is simply practice,
practice, practice....
But it's not true!!
The secret is not practice.
The secret is effective practice.
Do you understand the difference?
There are a lot guitarists who
practice, practice, practice...
and still sound the same,
month after month, year after year.
Why? Because their practice
is not effective. They spin
their wheels without going
But when you practice effectively..
that's when you make real progress,
sometimes dramatic progress.
The 100 Chords Method gives you
highly effective practice
to achieve dramatic progress
The 100 Chords Method is like
having a top-notch personal
guitar teacher at your disposal,
24 hours a day.
Whenever you want to practice,
it is there to guarantee you
achieve maximum progress from
every minute of playing.
The 100 Chords Method measures
your progress
One of the secrets
of highly effective practice is
to measure your progress
and use that information to
guide your training.
And the 100 Chords Method does
just that.
After every exercise, the
100 Chords Method software
memorizes your performance and
then combines all that information
into your personal "Progress Map".

The PROGRESS MAP -- different colors show
different skills as they grow
Day after day, the progress map
then helps you to always do
the right exercise
at the right time.
That means achieving maximum
benefit from every minute of practice,
because you are always training
"in the zone".
That also means enjoing
every minute of it because
every exercise gives you
just the right amount of challenge
and stimulation...
And of course that means
achieving superior chords knowledge
and mastery within a few short weeks
of regular practice.
A Warning
The 100 Chords Method is
an extremely effective training
method, but it doesn't perform miracles.
Don't fall for those
"Learn To Play Like A Star
In A Weekend" kind of promises...
If you want serious results,
you will have to practice regularly.
If you don't want or cannot
practice regularly, or if you
only want to learn a song or two,
that's absolutely OK,
but please look elsewhere,
don't put your money and
time into this course,
because it's not for you.
But if you love guitar and
are prepared to put some
serious practice into it, then
the 100 Chords Method
will be a tremendous asset
and give you not a miracle
but the next best
thing: spectacular returns on
your investment of time and energy.
If you are an ambitious guitarist
and you want superior skills,
chances are you will thoroughly
enjoy the 100 Chords Method's
take-no-prisoners approach,
and you will achieve dramatic
improvement within the next
few weeks.
Are you interested?
If you want, you can start immediately:
- Download the free
trial version of the 100 Chords
- Experience it.
Read the explanations,
try the exercises,
observe the training
strategy at work...
When you're ready
to go all the way,
order 100 Chords Method PROFESSIONAL
and start mastering all 100 positions
once and for all.
Give it a serious try.
If it's for you, you will know it.
Here are the links:
You can download the trial version here:
Trial download page
You can buy 100 Chords Method
PROFESSIONAL online here:
Order page
Trial download page
Order page
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